Episode 4: Model, Coach, and Care with Martin Woodward at GitHub Universe 2022

In this episode I have the pleasure of chatting with Martin Woodward the VP of Developer Relations at GitHub.

Hey everyone, Thanks for listening! In this episode of The Noob Show, I chat with Martin Woodward, the VP of Developer Relations from GitHub. We record this episode at GitHub Universe 22 in San Francisco. We chat a bit about developer relations, what GitHub is, some of the new features announced at GitHub Universe 2022, and a bit of other things such as management tips and how to measure developer productivity.

I hope you enjoy. If you like this, please do share it with a friend and don't forget to rate us in the various places in which you've listened to this podcast. Enjoy.

Creators and Guests

Matt Gardner
Matt Gardner
I'm your host of The Noob Show!
Martin Woodward
Martin Woodward
VP of DevRel for @GitHub. Previously Executive Director @dotnetfdn and original creator of the @Microsoft org on @GitHub (he/him)
Episode 4: Model, Coach, and Care with Martin Woodward at GitHub Universe 2022
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